Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Da patientiam

Patience - not my strong suit.  Whether in important matters, such as waiting on God's will, or silly things like being easily irritated at the sound of a person eating, I really struggle with this virtue, and more often than not my impatience gets the best of me.

How should I approach this?  I recognize that others must be very patient with me -- should I not do the same for them?  I frequently control the most aggressive or vocal reaction yet still make a passing remark or make it apparent through my facial expressions that I am annoyed.  What is the goal of these actions?  Do I want an apology for something that wasn't harmful to begin with?  Do I want recognition for all the "sufferings" that I must endure?  Do I simply want the person to comply with my will?

My will.  Pride.  I should be able to control every aspect of my life, including the actions of others and the effect that they have on me.

O my Jesus, save me from my pridefulness, which has poisoned so many aspects of my nature.  Blessed Mother, model of humility and patience, teach me to be like you.


  1. I always wondered why the Catholics considered Mary so important. :-)

  2. No man or woman could ever love Jesus as much as His own mother (isn't that true for any mother and child?). Jesus gave her to St. John and so to all of us as our spiritual mother (John 19:26-27), so we love and honor her and ask her to intercede on our behalf. Her prayers are most powerful, as her Son will refuse her nothing (John 2:1-10).

  3. Interesting. I appreciate your insight. :)
