Tuesday, March 15, 2011

After several days...

Almost a week since I've blogged, and for good reason.  Flew out to LA Friday morning and spent the weekend with Paul.  Finally got back last night.  A few blessings - and surprises - along with way:

* I almost got left behind.  I was given the last seat on the last possible flight.  Mom, Dad, and Bridgette left on an earlier flight but there weren't enough seats, so I had to stay and wait for another plane.  The next flight was overbooked, and the one after that was full as well.  So I waited anxiously, trying to surrender my will to His.  And the Lord proved once again that He cannot be outdone in generosity!  I secured a seat on the only direct flight and met the others in the LA airport.

* A passenger seated next to me on the plane struck up a conversation that eventually led to discussion of the differences between Roman Catholicism and Greek Orthodox, the need for confession, the rules against women priests and marriage of priests, etc.  I was so proud to defend my faith and thankful for my little knowledge of apologetics and Scripture.  We discussed my plans with FOCUS and I was hopeful that he might offer a donation or at least a form of contact for the future, but it was not in God's will, at least not at this time. Who knows, that may not be the last I hear from him!  I felt very grateful for this chance to evangelize.  What adventures these two years of missionary work will bring!

* I'd started a novena to St. Therese a few days before the trip.  I usually don't do them but had picked up a prayer card at St. John's.  Wasn't even counting the days, just using any source of prayer and comfort I could find in those dark hours.  On Saturday, I realized that I'd already "received" roses in several forms that day - my mom had pointed some out, and then my dad decided to stop in a local church...dedicated to none other than St. Therese of the Child Jesus.  Still, these both occurred to me in hindsight and didn't feel "real."  No, I'm the kind of girl who needs a slap in the face, not just gentle hints.  So I waited.

* We attended Mass that evening at St. Kateri Tekakwitha.  When you enter the church and look to your right, there is a little devotion area in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe, complete with statues of both the Blessed Mother and Juan Diego and, of course, roses.  This was the sign!  St. Therese knows my faith is the size of a mustard seed.  A single rose carried by a passerby or displayed in a window might not be enough, so she sent me the greatest, most miraculous collection of roses in all of history!  Thank you, Little Flower, for petitioning Our Lord on my behalf.  I know all is in His hands.

* And finally, the rosaries, the lit candles, the sorrowful pleadings in prayer...our Blessed Mother heard them all and presented them to her Son.  And He listened.  Paul is safe from the feared injustices and wrongful accusations, and all is not as hopeless as it seemed.  I am, of course, continuing my prayers for him, as he so desperately needs to recognize Christ and return to the sacraments.  But I know now that God is not just watching him from afar.  No, my loving Father is keeping Paul safe from harm, carrying him in the palm of His Hand and sending His angels to guard him in all his ways.

My sweet Jesus, I adore You.  I thank You.  I praise you.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle!

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