Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 4: Joy

Sunday - I enjoy going to the early Mass rather than waiting for the evening one, although I do miss the contemporary music sometimes.  I don't mind sitting alone in church.  It's kind of nice to be there by myself, just sharing my thoughts with God and fully engaged in the liturgy.  That being said, I wasn't exactly alone, considering all the families with crying infants or chattering children.  Definitely makes it harder to pay attention, but it doesn't really bother me.  I love seeing the large families, the especially reverent parents with quiet children.  If God sees fit to bless me with a family someday, that's how I imagine it.  So much love, so much virtue is truly beautiful in His sight.

It occurred to me in Mass today that I am precious in His eyes.  More precious than a sparrow or a star in the sky.  A simple thought but a happy one.

I was so happy this morning upon leaving church - I said hello to Fr. Hector and shook his hand, then the same to Fr. Lou.  As I turned to leave, Fr. Farmer called to me, "Rebecca, where's your coat?"  It made me laugh, and then smile at the realization that the priests here know me.  I love the clergy; it's hard to explain, but there's nothing like the warm feeling you get when you're surrounded by priests and nuns, all bubbling over with pure joy in the peace of knowing they are loved by their Maker.  If I don't become a religious, I'd want to spend a great deal of my time at my parish, either volunteering in the office or dropping by the Adoration chapel regularly or cooking meals at the rectory.  I want to be involved in the lives of these people who best represent God's love to me.

In confession yesterday, Fr. Farmer told me that "joy is the face of faith."  He said that people will be drawn to Christ through our joy, so we must make an effort to express that attitude rather than having a somber or worried outlook on life.  I know this is something I desire, it's just going to take some practice and a lot of grace to get there.

O Holy Saint Philip Neri, Patron Saint of Joy, you who trust scripturesʼ promise that the Lord is always at hand, and that we need not have anxiety about anything. In your compassion, heal our worries and sorrows and lift the burdens from our hearts. We come to you as one whose heart swells with abundant love for God and all creation. Hear us, we pray, especially in this need (make your request here). Keep us safe through your loving intercession, and may the joy of the Holy Spirit which filled your heart, Saint Philip, transform our lives and bring us peace. Amen.

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